
Statement of Compliance – Criminal Finances Act 2017

Travelex Acquisitionco Limited ("Travelex"), its holding companies and subsidiaries (together the "Travelex Group"), has a zero tolerance approach to tax evasion, or the facilitation of tax evasion by colleagues, customers or their associates. This statement is published in accordance with Part 3 of the Criminal Finances Act 2017 (CFA 2017).

The following approach outlines Travelex's stance in relation to our responsibilities under CFA 2017:

  • Travelex has a zero tolerance approach for any activity relating to the criminal offence of tax evasion, and are therefore committed to fighting tax evasion and have rigorous policies and procedures in place to detect and prevent the facilitation of tax evasion offences, via any of its products or processes.

  • Travelex undertakes Financial Crime risk assessments, which includes an assessment for CFA 2017, to determine the nature and extent of exposure to risks of facilitating tax evasion.

  • Travelex expects all partners and suppliers to adhere to the same high standards relating to anti-facilitation of Tax Evasion, and must verify this, both prior and periodically during the business relationship.

  • Travelex is committed to ensuring that prevention policies and procedures are communicated, embedded and understood throughout the organisation, through internal and external communication.

  • Travelex will annually review all relevant policies and procedures designed to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion, to ensure a continuous evaluation of appropriate controls.

  • Disclosures of "Wrong doing" – Travelex has global whistleblowing gateways to enable any employee or representative that wishes to report a suspected wrong doing to do so in confidence, without fear of repercussion. Any disclosure will be investigated appropriately.